
小代焼 ふもと窯 Fumoto-gama kiln

分野・ジャンル: 陶器、小代焼


Products: Pottery, Shodai ware
Region: Kumamoto prefecture
Characteristics: Shodai ware is said to have been established by a Korean potter, Shinkuro Ito, who came to Japan along with Kiyomasa Kato, the feudal lord of the Higo domain during the Bunroku campaign (1592-98). Initially it was called Higo ware and, according to the famous Matsuya Kaiki tea record, its pitcher and cups were used for an important tea ceremony in 1625. The name Shodai ware has been used since the late Edo period to describe this charming, practical pottery with deeply beautiful glazes and the freewheeling patterns of poured glaze.

[Adapted from the Fumoto-gama kiln introduction.]