
梅山窯 Baizan-gama kiln

分野・ジャンル: 磁器、砥部焼
解説:砥部の焼物は、江戸時代中期に藩主が地域の原料を用いて、磁器の生産を試みたのが始まりです。昭和51 (1976) 年には「伝統的工芸品産地」として指定をうけました。梅山窯は明治十五年開窯以来伝統を守り今日に及んでいます。清楚な白磁の温かい肌に融けこんだ呉須と色絵の実用食器、額皿、花瓶、置物など数多くの工芸品の開発に独特の技法をもって製作しています。

Products: Pottery, Tobe ware
Region: Ehime prefecture
Characteristics: Tobe pottery has been produced for about 300 years. In 1775 Yasutoki Kato, the feudal load of the Ozu domain, ordered his people to study porcelain production taking advantage of the natural whetstone there. After about five years, Josuke Sugino succeeded in producing what we now know as Tobe ware. In 1976, Tobe ware was designated by the government of Japan as one of the National Traditional Crafts. Since the first firing of 1882, Baizan-gama kiln has produced various beautiful works including practical plates, cups and flower vases with cobalt blue and red paintings on refined white porcelains using the traditional methodology.

[Adapted from the Baizan-gama kiln introduction.]