
安比塗漆器工房 Appi Urushi Studio

分野・ジャンル: 漆器

Products: Lacquerware
Region: Iwate prefecture
Characteristics: Northern Iwate prefecture has long been famed for the transparency, color and hardness of its urushi lacquer, and in Hachimantai city, the Ashiro district has been producing everyday lacquerware since the Edo period, Although the tradition once almost died out, Appi Urushi Studio is reviving it, with durable, useful wares produced from the precious local lacquer. Urushi is a very delicate material, affected by temperature and humidity, and the purification process can change its viscosity and luster. All urushi used for the Appi works is purified at the studio, in accordance with the seasons and the weather. Domestic timbers are used in all Appi works and warp-resistant woods – mainly the Japanese cherry birch, buckeye, and Japanese zelkova, – are carefully selected to make durable and crack-resistant wooden bases.

[Adapted from the Appi Urushi Studio introduction.]