
43. large transparent ash glazed square bowl with comb pattern (1990s)

This bowl and work no.18 “Large ash glazed square bowl with comb pattern” were among the works produced in 1990s just before Tatano stepped down as manager of the Shussai-gama kiln in 2002 to focuse on his own pottery making at home.
He used a mold to produce this one but one of the important things about this work is that he drew comb patterns on the flat clay plate first before putting it into the mold. Traditionally, patterns were made on bowls after they were molded because molding distorts the patterns. But naturally you can draw vivid patterns more freely on a surface than on molded pieces. So Tatano drew comb patterns on the flat clay plate first, put it into the mold and placed rice husk ash on the bowl as a cushion. With this method he successfully produced vivid patterned images without distorting them. British slipware pottery inspired him in this methodology and he expanded his mode of expression widely.